Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gearing Up For The Holidays....

Back in 2003, when I first started painting and listing artwork for sale on Ebay it became my only source of income. I started painting and listing in March of that year, the same week the Iraq war started. I had been glued to the news since the Election of 2000. Before 2003, we were home working for ourselves selling posters on Ebay, so when September 11th happened, we watched the whole thing unfold on the various news stations. Unlike my friend, who was busy giving birth to her first child that day, as I'm sure doctors and nurses were sneaking peaks at the television, we didn't have to miss a minute of the coverage!

But I digress. In 2003, I felt I still hadn't left the television. I started painting in front of it, watching the lead up to the war. I spent most of that year painting my little skeletons, but as the holidays grew near, people stopped buying for themselves and started spending their nervous money on loved ones. Still trying to survive selling artwork, I had the idea at the last minute to sell ornaments of the skeletons. I know it sounds like an odd idea, but I thought it would appeal to people still wanting to shop for themselves a bit and would be an really unusual gift for the goth who has everything.

Those ornaments saved me that year. I remember dark, chilly evenings in the carport, cutting, sanding and drilling small blocks of wood to fill those orders and get them out before the holidays.

I started late that year. Into November, I'm pretty sure. So this year I'm going to try to do this right for once and have some ornaments available by October 1.