Sunday, December 19, 2010

From The Archive - Very First Ebay Sale

I watched a friend of mine paint and put up the paintings for sale on Ebay. He was selling them pretty regularly. I watched the listings for about a year. Cheering if he got a good bid, marveling at the effects he was producing. All through that year, it didn't occur to me to paint. I was too intimidated. But over time, as I looked through other art in the 'Outsider Art' listings, I became bolder.
Finally, I decided to try my hand at some very simple folk art. It started with scrap wood from Home Depot and did a simple painting. I wired it to hang and went through the process of putting it up for sale.
When someone placed a bid on it, I almost fell over. I know it sounds strange, and maybe others don't have this reaction. But for me it was mind blowing to think that some total stranger looked at what I created and said "Yes" I will spend my money on that and hang it in my home. (I guess talk about low self esteem) but it is the ultimate form of validation.

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