Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Lovely Video

I don't know why, but I watched this video years ago and thought it was lovely.
The images are a slide show of artwork, put to music, with titles, that was created to promote the artwork on the website
I was trying to think of a lovely, visual escape I could post on my blog today and thought of this.

I apologize up front to the people at duirwaigh that I have linked this directly to their video. I found it on YouTube and liked it, but the video was just so blurry it didn't do the artwork justice, so I went to the source.

I was lucky enough to see this before they put the frame around it (I believe, if memory serves and I could take in the artwork better.) Just click the picture below (I didn't have any similar artwork to the video to use, but this looked 'doorway' enough to me to suffice) If you are in need of a little inspiration or just a moment of escape -- enjoy...

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