Monday, July 4, 2011

S.W.A.T. Team on the 4th Of July

So this morning started early, before dawn with the sound of large machinery (vehicles), the clanking of chains and ratcheting sounds. As the sun rose and there was more light, Men in what looked like fatigues were walking around. It looked like a military invasion and was a bit blood chilling. Especially on the 4th of July.
However, I kept in perspective, who would ever want to invade MY neighborhood?

Anyway,the men in fatigues looked as though they were carrying guns. Eventually, the rising sun gave enough light to see S.W.A.T. was written on the van parked in my neighbors driveway.

The men in fatigues were traveling away from the house down a street that runs between the house and the neighbor's on the other side.

Eventually the sound of a loud speaker could be heard telling "Christopher" to come out of the house repeatedly. Then quiet. Later they could be heard telling everyone to come out of the house and now were appealing to someone named "Chrystal"

Quiet again for a bit. After turning on the TV and channel surfing around the local news stations with no mention of the situation, I got a photo of the S.W.A.T. van through the window and emailed it to one of the local news stations.

I got back a quick thank you with a question as to who to credit the photo to and did I have more?

It was funny to see Marla Weech (local news anchor for years in this area) sitting on television looking like she was stuck with a pin repeating the information I emailed to the station almost word for word. (I knew this because I only mentioned MY location, when in fact, the stand off was one street over and they hadn't collected that information yet) She reported they would follow up with more soon.

I don't know if they did. Shortly after the quick report, I snapped more images of the men returning from the standoff and bringing back the small tank they took with them. It was over, whatever it was.

I watched the news for a bit longer to see if they added any more information but apparently the Jury beginning deliberating in the Casey Anthony Case and the Fourth Of July Fireworks weather watch was all FAR more important.

Since I was awakened early and have the day off, I decided to return to bed, so I don't know at this time if they followed up on the rest of the story.

Here are the photos:

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