Monday, July 25, 2011

Time Sensitive - Featured on Squidoo -Excited!

I went to bed last night sort of depressed. I had carpal tunnel syndrome from being on the internet so much over the weekend, doing art related things. I worked a long time putting up a new "Lens" on "Squidoo" and when I was done and 'published' it, it was deemed still 'in progress' and from the sounds of it, it may take a long time before I could get put out to be searched. It was discouraging.

But when I got home today, I was approved and even FEATURED -
(one of 5 on the page) I felt much better. I don't know if it will stick and I can't take a 'screen capture' from this computer (actually don't know how from this computer) but if you click the link soon, I'll be there - smiling back at you (so to speak)

Click the image below

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